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Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Another video down!

This assignment was based off a narration. I had a huge trouble with thinking of what to do based around our professor's dog drinking water.. Yes, drinking water. I hope you enjoy :)

More next time!


Thursday, October 3, 2013

I created another video~!

The assignment for this class was to create a multi-screen two+ minutes of anything we want.  I decided to use language as my main focus.  I had my friends that are multilingual and very talented.  I have American Sign Language, English, Spanish, Japanese, and Tagalog. Each appears in that order.  

Thank you to everyone for their generous help. I hope you enjoy!

Until next time!

I do not own the rights to the video playing in the background.

I made some videos!

Again, it has been a while, but I am starting to make more work of which I'm rather happy about. 

I am in video arts, with the great Patrick Moser as my instructor, and he has been pushing me to make some incredible things that I didn't think were possible.  It's hard switching mediums and thinking conceptually for someone like me who is literal down to the smallest of cells in my body. These first three videos were supposed to be three 60 second videos on Journey, Task, and Identity.  The last is a little embarrassing, but bare with me.




Till next time!

Monday, July 15, 2013

I know it has been a while

My life has me far away from anything I used to do, like this blog..

But never fear! When I become insanely famous (hahaaaa) I shall post here for the rest of my career.

I've finished yet another year of college, made some good grades, deepened some friendships, spit fire in some other's, and now it is middle of the summer.  I'm enjoying myself working two jobs and interning for a magazine.  Here! is a link to the facility for which I intern.  Please don't call asking for me. I do nothing of importance and barely any of you know I exist here.

The SKA is a great place to work. I'm learning a lot about magazine layouts, designing, ads, sending emails, and I've even designed a t-shirt and hat! Woo! I'm grateful to have gotten to work here twice a week and be apart of something I love doing.

I recently learned of a friend of mine's betrayal by fellow designer.  My friend posted a design she created on a designer blog and created a description for the idea she made.  Three months later, she was browsing on the interwebs and found that someone else in New Zealand (I think) took her idea, brought it to a head official there, and got permission (along with some pay) to put it around his city and paraphrased my friend's description for the design! Like how the heck do you decide to do that?  I hope my buddy gets some compensation for it.  Hearing about this made me not want to put any of my designs up.  I know they're not the best in the world, but I don't want someone stealing my ideas~ I'll end up spitting more fire!

More to come :)
